Membership is open to any interested person 18 years of age and over.
Applicants for membership may apply by submitting a club application, sponsored by a club member, to the secretary.
Applicants must attend a minimum of six (6) regular meetings (to include no fewer than one (1) regular business meeting) and/or The Paradise & Pacific Railroad, Inc. sponsored events, prior to being placed before the membership for a vote.
Dues are $100.00 per year payable in January of each year. The membership year is the same as a calendar year and dues are pro-rated for new members joining during the year.
Members are required to run trains for the public on the club layout. That is how we pay the City of Scottsdale for the use of the space provided for our club room.
Pairs of members are assigned to fill two four hour shifts on either Saturday or Sunday. The current schedule has each member assigned one day every 2 to 3 months (see the current schedule).
Members and their guests may run trains at any time they wish using either the club rolling stock or their own trains.
Meeting nights are Thursdays at 7:00 till whenever with business meetings held on the first Thursday of the month.
A pdf formatted Membership Application is available on this site.
Come and visit us any weekend or on Thursday evenings.

P&P Members may access the Club Roster at the link below: